Dealerships, OEMs and Enterprise Customers Leverage DealerX To Sell & Service More Vehicles Domain name use & trademark disclaimer - DealerX
If you have reached this page by direct typing a domain or via a “ search” please see the below disclaimers:

1) If the domain is in the automotive space it is slated for development and NOT FOR SALE. We are currently developing automotive related names inclusive of various makes and models coupled with used & pre-owned prefixes. Additionally we have many domains focused on selling used cars in specific geographic areas.

2) We have many clients in the automotive space and often secure domains for their future use as they have rights to use brand trademarks in their marketing

3) If you have landed on this page by researching a domain that is outside the automotive space, it maybe for sale so please inquire.

4) If you believe any domain name we currently have registered infringes on your trademark rights or have trademark concerns please contact us using the below information as we will work to amicably resolve any valid trademark concern expediently.


If your trademark contains a brand and a prefix like; used, preowned, pre-owned, or a specific year and/or geographic area in conjunction with your product or brand and is not a “digital product” which cannot be resold IE: mp3, eBook video, etc.

We have sought legal counsel and reference established case law for our rights to use trademarks in the bonafide resale of a product in a used or pre-owned state as well as domain names that reference a product in a defined geographic area that can be resold in a used or preowned state. For example:, PreOwned”Manufacturer”.com etc..

Thank you,

Domain name use and trademark disclaimer

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